Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Quality Solutions Community

You might say that there was a latent demand for a Quality Solutions User Conference. We now have well over 100 registered attendees, and more signing on everyday. Fran Toolan and I have had many conversations about what this community means and is capable of, and we see more and more potential everyday. Always with an altruistic bent, Fran has recognized that our community is much more than our clients. When you look at the list of attendees, you instantly see that members of the Quality Solutions community include publishers, distributors, booksellers, wholesalers, industry organizations, and fellow service providers.

In fact, calling this a user conference has become a bit of a misnomer. The responses to our conference questionnaire clearly indicated that members of our community were seeking a forum to explore real, pragmatic, boots-on-the-ground solutions to the pressures we all face in book publishing - to remain relevant, to spread our message, to remain profitable and viable as organizations. So this conference has become a blend from strong nuts and bolts sessions for Title Management users, to broader, more strategic discussions.

The folks at Quality Solutions are honored to be leading this community and recognize the good will that so many of you have demonstrated in signing up to attend and volunteer at this event. We are working hard to ensure that this good will is recognized and rewarded.

And by the way, a large percentage of you indicated that the Quality Solutions 20th Birthday Happy Hour was 'Very Important' or 'My Primary Reason for Attending'. We surely hope to reward THAT sentiment.

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